Long lease land

In Bonaire, you have freehold land and long lease land. Just under half of the habitable area consists of long lease land, so an important part. Long lease land is usually issued by the government for a period of 60 years. After that, a request can be made for an...

Buying a house on Bonaire

Are you considering buying a house on Bonaire? That’s entirely understandable because living on Bonaire is delightful. Firstly, you spend a lot of time outdoors here. Enjoying the porch with a good glass of wine or relaxing in a hammock by the pool is possible...


When you buy a property, the connection for water and electricity (WEB) must be transferred to your name. This is only possible after you have been to the notary for the transfer. For this you go to the WEB, the W ater and the Electricity Company B onaire. It is best...

Resolutive conditions

On Bonaire, if you come to an agreement after negotiating a home, there is already a binding agreement. It’s then no longer possible as a buyer to come up with all kinds of resolutive conditions afterwards. So think about this carefully before you make an offer...


As a property owner, you face taxes: land tax or property tax. The collection is done through the Belastingdienst (Tax Office) Caribisch Nederland. On Harbourtown Real Estate’s website, we want to explain to you as succinctly as possible what the difference is...